- Butterflypp
- Hi everyone :D You probably heard about the whole 'stardoll is closing down' rumor by now, or recived a message - just to let you know and clear the rumors: StarDoll is NOT closing down, Although the message might look pretty well-written and real, it's not - it's just other people messing with you, DON'T believe any message you receive unless it's from the StarDoll Staff. Remember that some people impersonate the stardoll staff so be careful when dealing with chain mail and wanna-bes.
- Butterflypp
- CandyLilyMay
When you join stardoll, you are given money and items, and then it's down to you. My posts will show you how to become a stardoll queen from nothing. You can use any freebie or beginners item to make an outfit that rocks, you just need the ability.
- CandyLilyMay
- CandyLilyMay
- My last post was about stardoll growing, and also nearing 200,000,000 members. Thank you to everyone who commented, but here are four of my favourites. I have copied and pasted them all, they are your exact words.
- CandyLilyMay
- CandyLilyMay
- Stardoll is very near to 200,000,000 members. What a way it's come, from absolutely nothing, they have came all this way.
- CandyLilyMay
- Elite-girl
Editor-in-chief Lovegossip4life just released the first issue of Haute Magazine.
- Elite-girl
- mert-_-
- mert-_-
- smgkyk Yayınlanan yazı: "ATAMIZI SAYGI VE ÖZLEMLE ANIYORUZ!"
- CuteKench Yayınlanan yazı: "Yaza elveda!"
- muge_derin Yayınlanan yazı: "STARCOINS KOMBİN ÖNERİLERİ"
- azobus26 Yayınlanan yazı: "Renkli saç modası"