- babii-mariex
Bored of your jeans?
Ever get bored of your same old, demin jeans? I know i do! Here is just a few ways of how to go from average to extravagent!
1. Patches - Try cutting out some patches from old t-shirts, different jeans, or buy patches from the store and using fabric glue to put them on your jeans!
2. Tie&Dye - You can transform your jeans by using fun colours for this. For more info on tie&dye.. google it!
3. Stitching - Stitches can be alot of fun and can make your jeans look awesome if you stitch in the right places.
4. Embellishments - Find some buttons, pearls, beads, accesories or studs and stitch them to your jeans. It can turn out great!
5. Tearing - For all the edgy members of stardoll! Try tearing rips, cuts and tears on the knee and thigh of the jeans for a lasting look.
6. Fabric glitter - Glitterize yourself by using fabric glitter on your jeans and leaving to dry. You'll own that dance floor!
Don't wait around for a new pair of jeans.. Jazz up your own pair now!
Next post - How to look good this Spring.
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