- Real.StarGirl
I'm sure all of you know what a good friendship should feel like, but not everyone is in a good friendship. It can be for many reasons; fear is one of the most obvious. You might fear that your 'friend' will be angry and stop you from making new friends. I actually broke a friendship which I was reluctant to break because I was scared I'd miss out on all the fun! Well, I still feel scared like that, but I feel free, and that's better.
Your friendships should make you feel comfortable, fun and free. You shouldn't feel that you're doing something which you don't want to do and you should feel free to make your own decisions. Wouldn't a good friend support your decisions? I'd think so.
Whatever you're feeling in a friendship, I hope that you will leave your unhealthy, bad friendships, and enter a kind, free friendship! I'd rather have no friends than friends that made me feel horrible.
I hope this helps you :)
~S xo
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