- Butterflypp
Stardoll Mini-Guide for Beginners!
1-Check the mini-tutorial & the Help section in your suite: there's a mini-tutorial on how to start things up, you can find FAQs in the Help Section & some information about what to do. you can also send a message to the Stardoll Staff if your answer wasn't there.
2-Visit dolls, make friends & vote - never give up!: Visiting other dolls & writing a nice comment can earn you great friendships! & also gets you recognized by other Stardoll users! but if no one voted you yet or you have no friends - just be patient, it takes time but it's totally worth it.
4-DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ: chainmails, spamming or 'free stuff' are a total lie, never believe those things!
5-Check the rules again: remember to go through the Stardoll Rules from time to time.
Remember to be safe around the internet and have fun!
NEVER bully anyone or be mean to someone...you never know what might the consequences be!!
- smgkyk Yayınlanan yazı: "ATAMIZI SAYGI VE ÖZLEMLE ANIYORUZ!"
- CuteKench Yayınlanan yazı: "Yaza elveda!"
- muge_derin Yayınlanan yazı: "STARCOINS KOMBİN ÖNERİLERİ"
- azobus26 Yayınlanan yazı: "Renkli saç modası"