

Can Fashion Save the Music Industry?


Aaliyah in Tommy Hilfiger. Photo: Getty Images

Today, Universal announced that it will be partnering with Tommy Hilfiger to produce a line of “rock-’n'-roll-inspired clothing for high-end boutiques and department stores.” The record label was quick to clarify that they will not be partnering with Tommy Hilfiger the brand, but instead will be bringing in the designer (who no longer helms his namesake label) as a consultant on what the company hopes will be an easy and highly lucrative way to re-energize their business–a business that’s been slowly dying since the very first MP3 was shared illegally online almost a decade ago. Since then, record companies have been mostly subsisting on concert ticket sales and an array of merchandise–from Justin Bieber toothbrushes to re-issued Rolling Stones T-shirts.

One thing’s for sure though: Good music, alone, does not a business make. Even mega artists like Madonna and Beyonce are going to great lengths to pad their wallets with other more lucrative endeavors including, though not limited to, clothing companies. Certainly, music and fashion have always been intertwined. Music has been inspiring designers for decades, arguably since the jazz era of the 20s, and more recently pop stars and musicians have been taking on a bigger role in the industry, creating namesake clothing lines or partnering with designer brands.

Universal’s deal with Hilfiger marks the first time, though, it’s the other way around, with the music industry plucking one of fashion’s biggest names in an effort to maintain it’s relevancy and grow it’s consumer base. But while music and fashion have always gone hand-in-hand, we kind of wish they wouldn’t get so muddled–though we’re sure there’ll always be a market for overpriced faded, rock tees, there’s something about a record company and an established designer getting together to churn out  “rock n’ roll” wear that feels a little besides the point.


