Bonjour Bizou
- Amber_Doll
Sales are a great way to find good items for good prices.
So I looked through the recent 50% sale at Bonjour Bizou and picked out what I think are the best buys!
- Amber_Doll
- ElleGirl
- Good morning Stardoll!
Elle.Stardoll and I just adore the passion for fashion you've shown in the comments on her outfit post!
I'm meeting some friends for lunch today and am in a sunny mood-- just like the weather. Can you tell? :)
What do you think of my look this week? Tell me in the comments!
Outfit details:
Sunglasses: Bonjour Bizou
Earrings: Miss Stardoll World
Necklace: Bonjour Bizou
Dress: Bonjour Bizou
Belt: Bonjour Bizou
Bag: Young Hollywood
Shoes: Young Hollywood
- ElleGirl
- Didilina1027 Populärt inlägg: "Harry Potter Outfits"
- jossan.98 Populärt inlägg: "ÄNTLIGEN!"
- Sofia.t25 Populärt inlägg: "#2 Pulsen på: Starbazaar"
- ShellySweden27 Populärt inlägg: "Alla Hjärtans Dag Naglar!"