So, if you did the quiz then here are the answers. Sorry they are seperate again but otherwise it exceeds the word count.
Many of you have been asking me about how to become a star blogger. I can certainly grant the request of showing you how to write and maintain a great blog.Are you ready to kick start your blog? Follow these simple steps for a successful blog:
- Are you in the mood for a yummy seafood meal? Do you like Salmon? I know I do. Here's an easy recipe I tried just today and it turned out perfect.
Hey dollies! I have a whole bunch of new posts coming up, so stay tuned! For the next few weeks I will be posting "Organzing Tips" for your suite, closets, and beauty parlor. I am a avery organized person (in real life and on Stardoll) so I thought I'd share some of my organization tips that I use for Stardoll with you guys! Today I will be showing you how to organize your accessories.
Choose either A, B, Or C for each of the 4 questions. Answers are in my presentation at the bottom, in my blog on my page and I will try to post then after this.
1. Which way would you least like to spend New Year's Eve?
a. Wearing yellow underpants(this is a real tradition)
b. Eating lentils all night
c. Filling both shoes with money
Ibland är det svårt att hitta på vad man kan göra i sin klubb. Är det nästan ingen aktivitet i din klubb och du vill förbättra den men vet inte vad du ska skriva om? Då ska du läsa vidare!
- Dorée har nyss släppt en kollektion som lyser upp vintern med massor utav färger! Var lite vågad med en färg som sticker ut i mängden! Vilken färg passar dig bäst?
Hey guys(:
Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but I am here now with another Stylish Suite.
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