Since Flash is no longer supported after the end of 2020, you need to use the downloadable launcher to continue playing Stardoll.
Get the Launcher!
  • Iscritta: 2018-02-26
  • Ultima visita: 3 mesi fa
  • La Modella Perfetta2
    Fatti creare un nuovo look da una Stylist.
  • The Ties That Bind25
    Be a member for 3 years.
  • Influencer25
    Vote more than 5000 times for anything!
  • Sempre Connessa7
    Fai il log in utilizzando Stardoll Access.
  • Climbing to the Top15
    Visit a member's suite from each level from 1 to 50.
  • A Voce Alta7
    Invia 1 Messaggi Broadcast.
  • Competitive Spirit7
    Win a chat game.
  • Ambizioni Letterarie2
    Scrivi e salva un post nel tuo blog.
  • Chic In Ogni Stanza2
    Crea uno stile per una delle tue stanze usando lo style by room.
  • Miss Chat15
    Crea 10 Chat Room.