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Arredatrice d´Interni25Vinci il Concorso Hottest Design Interior!Fama e Successo20Diventa una semifinalista di Miss Stardoll WorldTogether 10ever30Be a member for 10 years.Climbing to the Top15Visit a member's suite from each level from 1 to 50.The Net15Find and click the Mystery Symbol.
Sosia celebre: Inna- Celebritá favorita: Lady Gaga
- Musica favorita: All kinds
- Genere cinematografico preferito: Musical
- Piatto favorito: Bibimbap
- Colore favorito: Pink
- Lavoro dei sogni: Artist
- TV-show favorito: Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth
- Colore occhi: Brown
- Colore capellil: Brunette
- Hobby preferito: Singing
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