- Giusyavril98
- Oggi un piccolo indovinello per tutte le Stardolliane.Riconoscete questi abiti?
- Giusyavril98
- Amber_Doll
The Chanel Tribute store has finally returned to starplaza with a brand new holiday collection for the coming months. In a typical Chanel fashion, the clothes are all very elegant and stylish. To get some inspiration on how to wear the collection lets check out some stardoll members who are currently rocking the look!
- Amber_Doll
- poohg_1993
Many Stardoll users are confused as to what Lottery Dresses are, why they're so rare, how they were attained and what in the world do they look like.
I hope this post clears up any confusion anybody had about them. So to start, here's what the highly sought-after gowns look like:x
Above are the lottery dresses. The only lottery dresses. So don't be fooled if someone tries to pass off a regular dress as a lottery dress. There were only 20 of them.
- poohg_1993
- poohg_1993
Hello readers! Today I bring you a little recipe for a very yummy treat: Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Pie. Granted, it isn't the healthiest thing in the world, but treating yourself once in a while isn't bad? Here's what the finished product will look like:
- poohg_1993
- poohg_1993
Hello readers, Haley here with a little informational post on a few fashion items. I've found real-life versions of some beautiful clothing items we have the privilege to own here on Stardoll.
I figured it'd be nice for you all to see comparison shots of Stardoll-version items and celebrities wearing the real versions. Enjoy, and good luck for those of you going on the hunt to find these!
- poohg_1993
- alina81k
Un caloroso ciao a tutti i lettori dello StarBlog!
Quella che vi propongo oggi è un'iniziativa che ho pensato per vivere insieme a voi il clima natalizio, condividendo parte della nostra storia personale! Vi starete chiedendo: in che modo?! E adesso vi spiegherò di cosa si tratta!
- alina81k
- piccolino11
Buon giorno stardoll!
Vi ricordate il mio blog sondaggio intitolato "Qual è la marca più popolare su Stardoll??
Oggi sarete voi a dirci la vostra!Immagine via:
- piccolino11
- anny-the-star
- Oggi parliamo di moda.. Ormai molte di noi avevano sentito parlare della linea di abbigliamento creata dalla famosa star Selena Gomez.
- anny-the-star
- Sabra4390
The current fashion trend on Stardoll is no doubt, the chic leopard print. In almost every store is Starplaza you can find leopard print clothing. Leopard print isn't only big with clothes!
- Sabra4390
- xLucyfera Articolo distaccato: "Nail Art Primavera Estate 2013"
- 89ile35 Articolo distaccato: "In & Out Oscar 2013."
- aleroby91 Articolo distaccato: "TENDENZE MODA - PRIMAVERA 2013"
- alina81k Articolo distaccato: "Diritti e doveri? Anche online!"