- maisie12345
This user has created a very gorgeous look that would be perfect for a formal event! The user is afikaapa and I think the look is very beautiful!
- maisie12345
- anci-722
- anci-722
- The2gLaMs
Today, I decided to show you guys a make-over I gave to this nice Stardoll member called magnificentmia. She asked me if I can give her doll a make-over on youtube and I just couldn't refuse. I know a lot of you members don't have the make-up to do some of my make-up tutorials, so in this tutorial the medoll I will be giving a make-over to doesn't have a lot of make-up. So, this might work for you guys :D
- The2gLaMs
- AliceIzzy454
- Today I have made a Stardesign tutorial. This one is simple but effective! I've done a simple flower tutorial. You can change the colours and size of the flower and you can add more flowers to the one design.
- AliceIzzy454
- anci-722
- NCG, CG, STARDESIGN...samo su neka od natjecanja koja vam mogu donijeti slavu ako pobijedite! Razdoblje od 29.04.2012. do 30.04.2012. je vrijeme kad sam postala netko i nešto na Stardollu. Naime, 29.04.2012. sam postala pobjednica Catwalka, a 30.04.2012. postala sam CG. Pitate se zašto vam sad sve ovo "govorim"? Želim vam barem malčice približiti osjećaj slave!
- anci-722
- maisie12345
This is an amazing outfit! The whole outfit was well put together and very gorgeous! The user who created this, FaSHIoN_gIrLSky was someone I came across while voting on the Catwalk! Instead of voting, sadly though, I clicked on her. And now I've found my next post! And do you think this dolls a Superstar or Royalty? Well she's not!
- maisie12345
- anci-722
- anci-722
- Jspaij
- Bok djevojke! Stigli su rezultati! Sve djevojke koje su u mojoj knjizi gostiju napisale da se natječu, ocijenjene su. :)
- Jspaij
- anci-722
- anci-722
- kamuz
Thinking of changing your medoll’s look, but running out of stardollars?
Why don’t you lovely dolls try some mixed & matched starcoin looks!
First outfit is an elegant, party look- I have used the skirt, top, belt & bracelet from Voile, shoes from Rio. Glamrus pearl earrings go best with this dress.
- kamuz