- KimmyyRoxx
Have you put your thinking caps on? Are you Cyber-Smart? Do you know how to behave and how to be safe online? Take this test! No cheating..
1) A window pops open on your screen and it says 'YOU ARE THE LUCKY WINNER! YOU HAVE WON $1,000000 DOLLARS! CLICK TO RECIEVE YOUR CASH!" What would you do?
- KimmyyRoxx
- KimmyyRoxx
It's me, Kelly, and I'm here to show you my Autumn Inspired Makeup Tutorial. Autumn is on its way! Autumn is starting and soon it won't be so hot anymore!
I used a photo reference, and I tried to make the makeup look the same to the doll's makeup.
- KimmyyRoxx
- AliceIzzy454
Today I have made a deep blue tutorial! Remember to accessorize to your liking! Enjoy! Please post ideas for my next post, any colours or style you might like or want to know how to do!
- AliceIzzy454
- kamuz
Have you ever wondered how any “sound” would “taste” like? What if one could “taste” something by just “smelling” it?
- kamuz
- HighHeels4Me
Hello everybody! HighHeels4Me here! Today I am making yet another starcoin outfit. This look gives a pop of color and is great for spring!
- HighHeels4Me
- maisie12345
This user has created a very gorgeous look that would be perfect for a formal event! The user is afikaapa and I think the look is very beautiful!
- maisie12345
- anci-722
- anci-722
- The2gLaMs
Today, I decided to show you guys a make-over I gave to this nice Stardoll member called magnificentmia. She asked me if I can give her doll a make-over on youtube and I just couldn't refuse. I know a lot of you members don't have the make-up to do some of my make-up tutorials, so in this tutorial the medoll I will be giving a make-over to doesn't have a lot of make-up. So, this might work for you guys :D
- The2gLaMs
- AliceIzzy454
- Today I have made a Stardesign tutorial. This one is simple but effective! I've done a simple flower tutorial. You can change the colours and size of the flower and you can add more flowers to the one design.
- AliceIzzy454
- anci-722
- NCG, CG, STARDESIGN...samo su neka od natjecanja koja vam mogu donijeti slavu ako pobijedite! Razdoblje od 29.04.2012. do 30.04.2012. je vrijeme kad sam postala netko i nešto na Stardollu. Naime, 29.04.2012. sam postala pobjednica Catwalka, a 30.04.2012. postala sam CG. Pitate se zašto vam sad sve ovo "govorim"? Želim vam barem malčice približiti osjećaj slave!
- anci-722