- anci-722
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- anci-722
Jeste li se ikad zapitali: Što je zapravo Stardoll?
Trebao je biti jedna zabavna igrica u kojoj upoznajemo nove prijatelje i uređujemo svoje lutkice, no ja mislim da je danas sve to sporedno. Svi žele biti popularni i "bogati"...
- anci-722
- Oo.Ashley.oO
Are you a classy and elegant lady? You most likely are if you like to go with the simpler colors like black and white. You're probably classy if you like wearing high brands such as Chanel. If you are a classy and elegant lady - I highly recommend you start shopping in our lovely Decades store.
- Oo.Ashley.oO
- maisie12345
Okay do you get it? My question is how are you liking the new theme so far? Well if not, you'll love this post! I am featuring a doll who has been on Stardoll for 6 years! Her username is tracer and I thought she did an amazing job with this outfit!
- maisie12345
- KimmyyRoxx
- We should all be aware that Earth Hour is just around the corner, yes? The special event will take it's place on March 23rd from 8:30PM-9:30PM. Remember to turn off the lights, heaters, or anything that uses energy or electricity.
- KimmyyRoxx