- Aujourd'hui, je viens vous faire partager mes coups de cœur, côté musique ! Pas de panique, il y en aura pour tous les goûts ;)
Aujourd'hui, j'ai envie de vous parler d'une radio internet super cool.
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, elle s'appelle " Goom Radio". C'est donc une radio, oui, mais une radio polivalente et variée qui permet à son utilisateur de choisir presque ce qu'il veut...
- He's just nineteen years-old and about to head out on a full UK and European tour in support of HOWLER throughout January and February....Let us introduce you to Man Made (aka singer songwriter Nile Marr)
La jolie Belge de 22 ans est déjà une auteur compositeur accomplie...
Coucou !!
Je viens vous présenter un de mes groupes coups de cœur : Cupofty (comme l'anglais "Cup of tea" ; tasse de thé)
Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler d'un de mes groupes préférés : les Red Hot Chili Peppers ! C'est parti pour de la culture'zic !...
Rebecca Black with her Friday's Web Video phenomenon!
Stardoll Admin
- Stardoll TV was recently on hand to interview Justin Bieber at his London Premiere of 'Never Say Never'
In this video, Stardoll TV presenter Maria Lane interviews Justin about the movie and his music.We also found out how Justin picks the One Less Lonely Girl at his concerts.
- Country singing super star Taylor Swift made an appearance on the Today show this mornign and sang live to her fans outside the Rockefeller centre too and they went wild for her! There were screaming boys and girls everywhere you looked. We think Taylor nailed her live performance too! Who said this girl can't sing live?! Check it out!
Burnham came to the Stardoll Office to host a chat with fans! We had an amazing response! Check out the cool footage!
Alex, Andre and Forrest Burnham have been performing together for seven years, which is pretty remarkable because the three brothers from Vermont are, respectively, just 18, 16 and 14.
Early on Burnham took over their family living room and converted it into a jam space where they honed their skills playing for four to five hours a day. “When we plug in and start playing, we lose all sense of time.”
You can catch Burnham on Tour opening for Justin Beiber! Find out details at their website!
Check out the Chat Archive Here!