- SagSab
- Après le succès fracassant de son nouvel album Circus, Britney Spears n'a pas fini de nous émerveiller, elle qui est maintenant la porte-parole de la collection Candies de Kohl's!
- SagSab
- grotte
- La nouvelle boutique du Starplazza me fait vachement penser à quelque chose...
- grotte
- fg29
- fg29 adore les stickers, elle en met partout!
- fg29
- fg29
- fg29
- .Marcela..
- Hello dears! Well since we're on vacation (at least in Brazil), and vecation is Party Time, I'll be hosting a party to celebrate the 100 followers of my blog
- .Marcela..
- fg29
- fg29
- Stardoll Admin
It all began with me sitting around one evening, no plans, just surfing around Stardoll and stumbled across a contest they had organized. Usually I don’t enter anything like that. There’s no real chance you’re going to win. But this time I did do it and Thursday night at seven pm I’m sitting at Bistro berns drinking a Latte with the Stardoll Crew.
Unreal ...
- Stardoll Admin
- Julian.Stardoll
- On Tuesday night, a few of us from the Stardoll office in London went down to see Cherri V, an amazing up and coming London artist at the plush Rubylo ...
- Julian.Stardoll
- Style_Magazine
Jamais je n'aurais crû qu'un jour je remercierais Miley Cyrus, mais aujourd'hui, je fonds pour cette adorable robe noire et blanche -et gratuite- ‘Hanna Montana’.
- Style_Magazine