There's a new halloween edition pet-a-porter! I bought 2, because I think they're amazing. Here's a photo of the ones I bought :)
What do you think of them? Post your opinion in a comment!
~Amber ♥
Hey Stardolls!
Finally, the official MSW winner has been announced, and her username is Ceren.GK and has won due to an amazing suite and medoll, and personality!
I give you the best of luck with handling with all of those guestbook comments and friend requests!
Here's her current medoll:
- I’m sure many of us dollies wear make-up, some of us on special occasions and others everyday. Make-up is designed to enhance your already beautiful features and so, if worn correctly, it can make you feel fabulous. This fall, there are a few make-up looks that I recommend you try out, either on yourself or on your medoll!
- Coucou les stardolliennes ! Comme moi, vous savez que Halloween approche à grand pas. Et, pour les fans , il est possible que notre environnement stardollien se métamorphose en une géante fête ! Je l'ai fait. Voilà le résultat :
Hello stardolls!
As you may know, it's very hard to have a reasonably priced, but also nice outfit on stardoll, which is why I'm going to give you a couple ideas on how to have a pretty outfit. I've tried to do multiple ones so it fits with anyones style!
I've limited my budget to 15 stardollars!
- Samedi soir c'était le début de la saison de l'émission "Danse avec les stars" sur TF1. C'est un divertissement qui est assez sympa à suivre en famille, c'est musical et amusant...
Comme vous le savez, c'est bientôt Halloween, voici un maquillage façon vampire :)
- We're baaaaack!
Don't think I didn't forget about all the Stardollies out there! I have missed doing Dream Suite but now that the MSW competition is over and the winner is announced, we can go back to appreciating all the hard-working Dollies out in Stardoll land!
This week, we're travelling to Portugal to visit the Dream Suite of Candance454. We can see that Candance454 works very hard to make the suite look as luxuriously real as possible. I especially love the all-red pop art kitchen!
Check out the photos in this post, then head over to Candance454's suite and have a look for yourself!
- Cette photo ci contre, non, c'est pas pour montrer que ma suite déchire (même si c'est vrai, bien entendu..) mais que on peut bouger en SuitePlay !
Isn't the new season of MISS SIXTY absolutely to-die-for? I have to say, I'm impressed with the items and how they turned out. They're so chic, and it all definitely suits us for the Autumn season.
Here's a few fashionistas wearing the new collection.