Styled Outfit
- lizluz
- This season was all about going back to basics and focused on a black and white monochromatic look.
In the blog I share with you a some tips on how you can style your doll in either all black or all white while still keeping it interesting!
- lizluz
- Waddles
Cardigans are great for Spring, which is great because that season is nearing for me and many others.
Here are my favorites!
- Waddles
- Isobel.Stardoll
White & Black to the Future –mallisto on sekoitus modernia ja klassisen ajatonta. Vaatteet toimivat sekä yhdessä että yksin sesongista riippumatta. Inspiraatiota on haettu mm. Michael Korsilta ja Moschinolta, ja tuloksena on parhaita paloja varhaiskevään trendeistä: kotelomekkoja, kapeita hameita ja rohkeita, epätavallisempia väriyhdistelmiä.
--cause Fash is my Pash Izzy Stardoll
- Isobel.Stardoll
- MalinaJoseph
- Fall has arrived and with this transitional season comes a bountiful crop of new trends to incorporate into your wardrobe.
- MalinaJoseph
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