- We knew this was bound to happen sooner or later, but we didn't expect it to happen this soon! Busy actress Emma Watson is in the midst of being a sophomore at Brown University and promoting the final instalments of the Harry Potter Saga, but some how she's managed to make time to explore new areas, designing to be more precise! The fashion savvy 20 year old has teamed up with renowned designer Alberta Ferretti to design a organic clothing range, and she's doing it for free, wanting to support ethical and organic clothing.
- The December issue of Vogue has a gorgeous looking Angelina Jolie on the cover. What a way to end off the year! Inside the photoshoot is even more amazing! We have a few pictures here...Angelina also talks about her family and tells a funny story about her daughter and a dead bird inside! We are just totally mad about her, aren't you?! Click here to read the interview and see more of Angie's photoshoot!
- The Country Music Awards happened last night and the most unlikely celebrity made a special live performance at the event! Gwyneth Paltrow is definitely not "country" at all, but she does play a country singer in her latest movie "Country Strong" and she sang in the movie. The theme song for the movie has been a huge Country HIt and so Gwynnie was invited to perform it live. Here is a clip. What do you think? Should she become a music star or should she never sing ever again?!
- Kuka on sinun suosikkisi?
- X Factor judge and singer Cheryl Cole showed off a brand new hair color yesterday! She has swapped her usual chocolate brown for a deep purpley red mahogany look. Fellow judge Simon Cowell teased Cheryl about the new colour during the show this week, but in the end he said she looked good. What do you think of the change?
- -Mandarinie-: "Olen ihan tavallinen tyttö, jolla on sotkuiset hiukset, lyhyet jalat ja omituinen huumori. Kuuntelen paljon musiikkia, erityisesti sanoja."
- Prinsessakakku: "Himoshoppaaja henkeen ja vereen! Eipä mulla kauan noi stardollarit tuolla säily, kun jo taas keksin uutta ostettavaa."
- Grrauh: "Nukkeni voi esittää vaikka keijukaista tai merenneitoa, mitä ikinä keksinkin. Nyt minulla on alkuperäinen ulkoasu käytössä, esitän nymfiä."
- Hillaa-: "Tyylini stardollissa on aivan erilainen kuin sporttinen oma tyylini. Hilla stardollissa rakastaa lyhyitä bilemekkoja ja yhdistelee ne usein korkokenkiin ja useisiin asusteisiin. Toki lökäpöksyt ja bleiserit löytyvät Hillan päältä toisinaan."
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"