- Real.StarGirl
Here are some alternative styles which could work great as wedding dresses!
- Real.StarGirl
- Real.StarGirl
How would you style the summer essential little white dress?
- Real.StarGirl
- Isobel.Stardoll
Curious to know who won?
- Isobel.Stardoll
- Carolinamodelo7
This is a fun tip because you can create something that no one else will have besides you!
- Carolinamodelo7
- Amber.Stardoll
- If you want to feel a cool summer breeze...
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- It is heating up everywhere and this summer the floral dress is in ...
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- Yet another celebrity perfume was launched this week and this time it was Jessica Simpson's fragrance Fancy! ...
- Amber.Stardoll
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