- hawiianbody
- With over 190 million Stardoll members, there are so many things posted on Stardoll. A favorable part about Stardoll is being able to express your creativity on your page.. whether it be through your presentation, StarBlog, or StarDesigns.
- hawiianbody
- Amber_Doll
Sales are a great way to find good items for good prices.
So I looked through the recent 50% sale at Bonjour Bizou and picked out what I think are the best buys!
- Amber_Doll
- CandyLilyMay
Today I want to show off the "serious" look. Today's model annisillamaa already rocks the serious style, but can I do any better?
- CandyLilyMay
- The2gLaMs
I currently only have the Shampoo and this shampoo does make my hair smooth, but it doesn't tame my frizzy dry hair. So, what I do is use a deep conditioner. I will only wash my hair every other day. The more you wash, the more it will leave your hair dry. When looking for a shampoo, look for a creamy color. Shampoos that are clear aren't good for dry/frizzy hairs.
- The2gLaMs
- KimmyyRoxx
- In my latest post, I typed about Spring Outfits. I realise many people are arguing because they say "It's not even close to spring." Well just a quick note about something! ..
- KimmyyRoxx
- ShyViolette
Today I’m going to discuss the inspiration for one of my suite rooms – my World Peace Café! The inspiration came from a little café near where I live, which is run by volunteering Buddhist monks and nuns.
- ShyViolette
- poohg_1993
With Stardoll's 3rd annual MSW competition finally here, also comes tremendous pressure for those of you competing to win it.
- poohg_1993
- Tara.Stardoll
- Some of you may have noticed that we have just released a new StarDesign reporting tool on the site. This new tool can be used to report any offensive items created in StarDesign.
- Tara.Stardoll
- sparklewand12
- In this post I'll be showing my top 3 buys from Original Future in the StarPlaza. [All photos from stardoll.com]
- sparklewand12
- Lay-Cey
Why use one eyeshadow/liner when you can use three!? A bold lip colour is also a great way to stand out.
- Lay-Cey
- Candy-8-23 Lue myös: "Sisustusta"
- ekomodel27 Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"
- Meude33 Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"
- humility25 Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"