- 410680755 DEL
- Get the look!
- 410680755 DEL
- starlight_0711
- You can achieve anything if you are confident.
- starlight_0711
- loz12345
- "If I wear makeup, it's because I like it."
- loz12345
- starlight_0711
- "Showing your talent is nothing to be ashamed of, embrace it!"
- starlight_0711
- madmadeleine
- SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't figured out how to claim this year's secret gift, read on...
- madmadeleine
- loz12345
- The best for both! We end our IRL skincare series by looking at beauty tips that guarantee gorgeous combination- or normal- skin.
- loz12345
- AllDolledUp*
- Knowledge is power...
- AllDolledUp*
- loz12345
- I try out new beauty trends IRL, so you can skip the trial and error <3
- loz12345
- katlow77
- Get ahead of the crowd during MSW voting.
- katlow77
- loz12345
- Check out these tips to fight under-eye-circles!
- loz12345
- Candy-8-23 Lue myös: "Sisustusta"
- Meude33 Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"
- humility25 Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"
- ihq_niisku Lue myös: "Tee se itse -kengät"