- It was a stormy night too in india and the time when mum21bling(bidisha) returned from her extra classes, she found no one in her house...
(Ed. Colonel Gattopardo really gets around --- who else has had mysterious messages from him??)
- i am really interested to report this to all of you. it is about the madam duck.
once i went for a camping trip, i really enjoyed there. But i had to drive back home all by myself. i started at 8 in the night. when i reached the middle of a deserted place,my car broke down. i was so shocked.I WAS TRAPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE ...
(Ed: a reader takes us on a trip into a curious dream world -- or is it??)
- One afternoon in fantasy lane lived miss.catwedding who held tea parties for all the people living around in her rose covered cottage. She had lemon and rose tresses and her house was fenced with prickly bushes and a bridge with fishes swimming under the bridge in the emerald green shining water.
(ed. A charming retelling of the tale so far ...)
- Meikki on aika raskas mutta pidän raskaasta ja "oudosta" meikistä!
As I regain my focus, I gradually pull myself up and take a moment to remember what had happened. As I last recall, I left camp to collect firewood for myself. I remember gazing in awe at the starry blanket, which had been stitched, ever so neatly, to the sky.
By this time I had reached Archer's Glade ...
(ed: a fascinating story --- it's just getting going from what we read so far -- please write more!!)
- Niinku kaikki on huomanneet nyt on jo syksy. Miten ne vuodenajat noin nopeesti meneekään. Tänään teen 4asua.Yksi per vuodenaika.
Stardoll Admin
- Olin vielä kahdeksanvuotias ja olin perheeni kanssa uimassa. Muu perheeni oli kuivattelemassa, mutta minä olin uimassa! Yhtäkkiä näin kimallusta vedessä ja katsoin sitä tarkemmin. Se oli joku kimalteleva kivi ja siinä luki jotain!
Stardoll Admin
- Herään eteisen kylmältä lattialta. Selkääni hohkaa jostakin kuumuutta. Avaan silmät ja katson taakseni: tuli roihuaa sankkana portaikossa. Minun pitää päästä pois!
Stardoll Admin
- Oli todella sumuinen sää. Olin tulossa tanssiharjoituksista, kun yht´äkkiä naamaani lennähti paperilappunen. Lapussa luki näin. " Arvoisa neiti Keijuliini , tulkaa kahvila Rose:n mahdollisiman pian" .
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"ihq_niisku
Lue myös: "Tee se itse -kengät"