- Stardoll Admin
- Time for some inspirational winter Suites!
- Stardoll Admin
- BeatrixJane
- There are some crazy unique suites here on Stardoll, and I think I''ve found one that meets right up to those amazing standards - royalty user FantasyFound17's wonderland suite.
- BeatrixJane
- kamuz
- Winters sometimes muddle one's dressing sense! One has to work a little more on a winter outfit so that it does not look just a pile of clothes to beat the chill, but also looks trendy & chic!
- kamuz
- Glam.Diamond
This is something new. Not usually what I bring to my posts but this doll is simply outstanding kissesashley. Her medoll is as white as snow! Check it out!
- Glam.Diamond
- Clara_Clary
It's almost the end of december and the winter holidays are coming! Maybe for some of you they already started, but here they didn't start yet.
Well, what will you do in the holidays? Will you stay home? Will you go skiing or what will you do ?
- Clara_Clary
- hawiianbody
- Uh-oh. Dry weather, staying indoors all day, and overeating holiday cookies are known as some of the best things about the winertime, but they can also lead to be the most damaging to your complexion. Here's a quick guide so you won't have to suffer from a few of the winer beauty problems!
- hawiianbody
- rockstargrace
For some of you it’s that kind of year again! Winter! A time for snowball fights, making snowmen and more! I promised you all since I made a summer one that I would make a winter one!
- rockstargrace
- Isobel.Stardoll
Nordic Winter Styled Outfits has soft draping as a focus in silk blouses , jersey skirts and a fitted sweater dress with an oversize ropey neckline inspired by Ungaro’s Fall 2008 Ready to Wear collection. This stylish winter further develops its icy palette mixed with subdued and dark notes of teal and amethyst. The silhouettes are well suited for the slopes, the rink, or why not simply lounging by your cabin's fireside.
- Isobel.Stardoll
- Isobel.Stardoll
Winter Fairy Styled Outfits luovat talven tunnelmaa metallin ja lumen huurteisissa sävyissä. Pukuihin on haettu inspiraatiota mm. Zac Posenin, Rodarten ja Burberryn vuoden 2008 syysmallistoista. Luo oma romanttinen talvitarinasi upeassa tanssiaispuvussa, joka voisi olla suoraan Degasin maalauksesta!
- Isobel.Stardoll
- Candy-8-23 Lue myös: "Sisustusta"
- Meude33 Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"
- humility25 Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"
- ihq_niisku Lue myös: "Tee se itse -kengät"