- Waddles
Dealing With Problems
Hi dolls.
Sometimes we can have a lot going on in our lives, some more than others. It can also feel like sometimes you're the only person going through a situation, but you're not. There will always be someone else dealing with a tough situation.
One of the most important things though is making sure it doesn't affect you longer than it has to and by this I mean dealing with the situation as soon as you can.
Here are some things I would recommend that I have used before and they can help you.
Don't take your problems to work/university/school. This is a must! If your situation does not involve either of these then do not take them there with you. It is important to remain professional and in the right frame of mind with your day-to-day lives.
Talk to a professional. Whether this be a therapist, doctor, manager or teacher. Try speaking to them about your problem. They are not there to judge and anything you speak to them about will remain confidential.
Write your problems down. This can work better than you think. Depending on how your mind works, by writing down a problem you can sometimes look at it from a different perspective and find an answer to your situation.
Never take it out on others. Although your problems may be weighing you down and it might seem like there is no way out, make sure to never take it out on someone else. It will only make you feel guilty and therefore add to your problems.
Well dolls, these are my tips. What works for you though? Things like this are important in life and any advice you have for me would be great.
Hope this post helps you.
~ Casey, x
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