nicholbarbie Inspired

πριν 65 μήνες



On this segment of Inspired, I'll be sitting down with not only an amazing designer and human being, but also a previous winner of MSW, a competition that's currently in the works here on Stardoll! 

When she's not working on a new design or cosplay, you might find nicholbarbie, otherwise known as Nichole, a 22 year old transgender MtF woman, spreading positivity and expressing herself through art and fashion. Throughout our time together, she was so sweet, and kept saying literally the nicest things to me! Also, funny story, her laptop almost died so we both had to dash over to Facebook so we could finish the interview!!!

Here's what Nichole had to say about her designs, and time running for MSW:

~ How long have you been designing here on Stardoll, and what is your favorite design to date?

"i've been designing on Stardoll for possibly over 3 years now and my favorite design to date? Wow that's a very hard question, but I think my most favorite would have to be my MSW '16 face, simply because it's so recognizable and was the jump start of my love for designing :)"

~ If you can remember back to when you won MSW, what was going through your mind?

"OMG, when I won MSW, I was in such a state of shock! I started crying in such gratefulness and happiness and I could never have been more proud of myself for such an achievement!"



~ It's been a few years since you won MSW, what have you been working on perfecting  since then?

"I've definitely been working on perfecting my designing skills mostly and personal issues in real life -- haha."


~ What advice would you offer to someone who wants to start designing?

"The best advice that I can give anyone, and this is through personal experience, is to NEVER give up and keep trying and perfecting your designs! Find what's wrong with them and work on that! Ask for help as well! Never feel ashamed or scared to ask! Even the best designers make mistakes! That's how they became so amazing in the first place was from learning through their mistakes! And that's exactly what I have and will keep doing.”

~What advice do you have for all of those people out there campaigning for MSW?

"Some advice I have for people campaining for MSW is to have TONS of dedication and work hard! And stay on it! Also fun fact: lots of Stardollies think they have to spend all these huge amounts of Stardollars to become MSW, but that is not true! I just kept commenting and had friends help and spent not a Stardollar! I would also like to state that please have some respect and be kind to others, not just for the sake of winning but for the whole purpose of being an MSW. To me, an MSW is someone to look up to, a genuine, kind, thoughtful, caring person who is also accepting! Be something and someone inspiring! 

Thank you for this wonderful interview Pimiento I really am so touched and honored” 😊💖

So that's all from me folks, go check out Nichole's suite, and maybe try designing a few things too :)


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