

New Years' Resolutions?

πριν 71 μήνες

Hello everyone!

During a small break from blogging, I've had the chance to really reflect on all the things that have happened this year. 2018 has been quite a year for me - many life changing things happened, and I couldn't be more grateful. Many of them were good, but those that weren't definitely taught me important life lessons that I'll remember for years to come.

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "Yet another cliché blog post about new years' resolutions, we don't need more of those!" Well I'm not here to talk about 2019 resolutions. In fact, I'm here to talk about the resolutions you had for 2018.

Each year, we religiously set ourselves a goal, and we think about the ways we can improve ourselves and our lives. For many people, the resolutions they settle on don't seem to come true - it's an endless loop. We think that a new year means a fresh start, a clean slate, and lots of room for improvement, but in reality - many of us never actually do what we said we would. It's not about telling yourself what you need to do - it's about actually doing it.

What were your expectations and resolutions for 2018? Did they come true? Tell me in the comments!

See you next year! :)
Sara x

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