

Bytes and Bikes?

πριν 100 μήνες

From the title, I hope you realised that this blog is about keeping a healthy balance between screen time and sweat-it-up time. I understand why many of you may be thinking - why should I care? It's a fair question, I mean I'm not forcing you to exercise, but I recommend keeping fit because not being healthy is not fun.

Do you know what is fun?

These ways to keep your online activity on par with your offline!

1. Let others challenge you! For every guestbook comment (5/5) challenge yourself, for example, to do 10 ______! Pushups are my weakness so starting today, for every guestbook comments I will do 10 pushups. For you, it could be sit-ups, burpees, lunges or any other exercise. Make sure to tell people about this is your presentation so that they get on board and vote you every day!

2. Every half an hour or so take a small break so that you can stretch and get the blood pumping through a few exercises. If you think you can't handle this small effort than even just tapping your feet can make a small difference.

Have fun while getting fit and for those of you who see someone with a challenge in their presentation - have fun making them squirm!


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