

Your Doll's Face

πριν 123 μήνες

As a dedicated stardoll member, I can say one of my favorite things to do on this website is to customize my stardoll. Our stardolls reflect who we are, our fashion sense, our creativity, and so much more. But, here's a question;

What should I make my doll look like?

This one question had definitely popped into my head when I had first made my account. In front of me were so many facial features to chose from- It was amazing! I wasn't so sure how I would create my doll, though. What color hair? What kind of lips? Below are some tips that may help when trying to make your doll’s face.

1. Reflection

One idea is to try to make your doll look like you. For instance, you can match the hair and eye color, lip shape, nose, and skin shade to yours in real life. This is a fun way to customize your doll, and you can figure out the different strong points of your face along the way.

2. Inspiration

Have you ever wanted to look like your favorite celebrity? Search up pictures of a model/celebrity you admire, and you can take inspiration from that person's face and create your doll. For example, if I wanted to base my doll around Angelina Jolie, I would definitely give my doll her beautiful eye color and her fabulous full lips!

3. Randomize

My personal favorite way to create a doll's face is to play around with different features. I Might pick a random nose, eye shape, and mouth, and work around my selections. This technique can lead to a unique, stunning face.

Hopefully, these tips will help users out there who are looking for inspiration. I hope they helped, and you enjoyed this blog post! :)


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