- Der Sommer ist auf dem Weg und bringt blaue Himmel! Wir wünschen es uns zumindest! Denn leider hat der Frühling momentan eher Regenwetter und graue Himmel parat. Bis zu besserem Wetter erhellen wir euren Tag mit der heißesten Farbe der Saison: Knallblau!
- Ever since we saw Kate Middleton in that totally affordable Zara dress (only $90!) we got really inspired to see where our other favorite fashionistas shop. Turns out a lot of them shop at stores we can all afford, which means their style is totally up for grabs! We're heading out to Forever 21 for a little retail therapy! XOXO
- Supermodel Gisele Bundchen ist das neue Gesicht der Kampagne zur brandneuen H&M Frühling/Sommer-Kollektion. Wir finden, Gisele bringt den Boho-Style richtig gut rüber! Wir finden ihn besser als ihren überlicherweise sportlichen Look. Hier sind ein paar Fotos aus der Kampagne. Mögt ihr sie genauso wie wir es tun?
- Supermodel Gisele Bundchen is the face of the pretty and fresh campaign for H&M's latest Spring/Summer collection. We think Gisele does Boho really well! We prefer it to her usual sporty look. Here are some of the pictures from the campaign. Do you love it as much as we do?
- Kim Kardashian und Natalie Portman zeigten beide, dass sich Stars nicht zu schade sind, auch High Street Kollektionen zu tragen: Kim und Natalie trugen letztes Jahr dieses dunkelviolette Lanvin Hearts H&M Partykleid. Und wir wollen mal wieder von euch wissen, wem es besser steht?
- Kim Kardashian and Natalie Portman both showed that celebrities are not too full of themselves to wear High Street collections! Kim and Natalie both rocked this gorgeous purple belted Lanvin Hearts H&M party dress last year. We want to know who you thought wore it best?
- No big surprises here, these ladies like Natalie Portman, Zoe Saldana and Eva Mendes are some of our favourite celebs to watch when it comes to style and the red carpet! Take a look at some of their best outfits this week and be inspired, or jealous or both hopefully!
- Keine großen Überraschungen hier. Frauen wie Natalie Portman, Zoe Saldana und Eva Mendes gehören zu unseren Lieblingspromis, wenn es um Style und den roten Teppich geht! Seht euch einige der besten Outfits des Woche an und seid inspiriert oder neidisch oder am besten beides!
- As I'm sure you all know, Lanvin's collection for H&M will be released next week but until then you can prepare for the launch by checking out these amazing ads! The campaign features models Hannelore Knuts, Jane Schmitt, Tati Collitar, Natasha Poly, Simon Nessman and Garance Dumont and in addition H&M also produced a two and a half minute long TV commercial, check that out below as well!
- Its all everyone has been talking about the whole of this Fall - Lanvin's collection for H&M and its almost in stores! Last night there was a Haute Couture show at the Pierre Hotel to preview the clothing and there was some celebrity fashionistas on the red carpet, wearing Lanvin of course. We love Leelee Sobieski and Emma Roberts' looks the most! To preview the the Lanvin♥H&M collection online click here
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