Hey readers, I just interviewed a msw finalists caiticat08. Here is what she said.
What is the best thing about stardoll? The best thing about being on Stardoll for me is that I am able to escape everything that is happening in the real world and just relax. I also wasn't very interested in fashion when I started but now, thanks to stardoll I am really interested by it, and hope to have a career in fashion one day!
How much do you want to win MSW? I want to win MSW 2011 SOOOOO much! I want to show people that you don’t have to have 10,000 starpoints or more to win, and that anyone can be MSW if they really persist! I am one of those people that once I’ve come halfway, I can’t settle for seconds. A perfectionist in other words!
What is your style? My style is really a bit of everything! I love designer clothes, but I also love creating new outfits with pieces from less well known brands. I like colour, dark clothes, sparkles…. Really a bit of everything!
What do u want to say to the people who vote for you? To the people who vote me: I LOVE YOU GUYS! You make me feel amazing with all your supportive GB comments and friends requests, and I just want to thank every single one of you for being behind me the whole way. I couldn’t have done it without you- seriously!I am waiting to speak with other stardolls and will post further interviews as they come in. Sapphire7373 xx
Vote for your favourite medoll in the MSW Grand Finale! All you votes count, so why not help one of the people, or vote for a different person everyday? It's a great opportunity for them!
~xxangelpieeexx ♥
- Wer ist dein Favorit?
- Shyann04: "Ich mag gerne viel Schmuck wenn es passt! Ich finde bei einem perfektem styling sind Ohrringe das A und O."
- Rosalyta: "Alles ist in Bewegung, deshalb ist mein Stil auch etwas wechselhaft: Mal romantisch, mal extravagant, casual..."
- Jule_1507: "Meine Lieblingskleidungsstücke aus meiner Suite sind definitiv die zerrissenen schwarzen Hosen und Strumpfhosen - die kann man fast zu ALLEM anziehen."
- Abraxxa: "Ich liebe die 20er Jahre und lasse mich von Modeikonen inspirieren wie z.B. Audrey Hepburn oder Coco Chanel und ich stehe auf den Style von Carrie Bradshaw, die so wunderbar von Sarah Jessica Parker verkörpert wird."
- Seadysue: "Ich mag es, mit einem kleinen Augenzwinkern zu kombinieren... Zum Beispiel indem ich zu einem eleganten Abendkleid Armbänder, Tasche und Schuhe in Street-Stil hinzufüge. Egal was ich mache, es muss was besonderes haben."
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"