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- Wo-oh-oh! Kate Bosworth accidentally let something really big slip in a recent blog post about her and Michael Polish's recent trip to South Korea. "On our first day in Seoul, my fiance, Michael Polish, and I venture out to discover Changdeokgung Palace", the actress wrote herself in her personal blog, and continued writing about her visit with Michael. Well congrats, Kate! We can't wait to see you two get married, you're perfect for each other! (usweekly)
- Kristen Stewart is definitely desperate right now. Robert Pattinson is still crushed about her big cheating scandal, and she's never been more sure- she wants him BACK! Not only because of her love to him, but also to avoid all possible awkwardness during their upcoming Twilight promo tour. And she's got a plan- that includes a secret island! Kristen wants to take Robert to Isle of Wight, the largest island in England next week. Might sound like a random spot to chose, but the island is very special to the former couple. "Kristen thinks that if anywhere will remind Rob of what they had together, it's there. They've shared happy times on the island and even talked at one point about how it'd be their ideal wedding destination.”. But do you guys think we'll see them reunite anytime soon? We doubt it... (perezhilton)
- Nichts für ungut, Robert Pattinson! Nach einigen Wochen der Trauer wurde Rob von seinen Freunden in den Musikclub "The Deer Lodge" in Ojai mitgenommen, um ihn auf andere Gedanken zu bringen. Er sollte für eine Nacht vergessen, was ihm seine Ex Kristen Stewart angetan hat. "Mir wurde von verschiedenen Leuten bestätigt, dass Robert Pattinson hier war und mit seinen Freunden die Musik genossen hat", sagte ein Angestellter des Clubs zu Robs Jungsabend.
- Natalie Portman is now a married woman! She and her new husband Benjamin Millepied exchanged marital vows in a Jewish ceremony at a private home in Big Sur, California. The wedding took place at 8 p.m in the dark, beneath a chuppah, and no other details are available yet. The couple met during the set of Black Swan back in 2010, where Ben had a small role and was the choreographer. They announced their engagement and pregnancy in December 2010, and now they couldn't be any happier! Congrats Ben and Nat! We wish you all the best! (usweekly)
- It's official and it's freakin' brilliant! Scary Movie 5 is probably next winter's big thing, and now it's revealed why it'll be so big: Lindsay Lohan is replacing Anna Faris- and Charlie Sheen is gonna be in the movie too! Isn't that just too good to be true?! Even better: Ashley Tisdale has also a part in it! Sources close to the production says that the shooting is expected to begin soon, and the release date is set to January 11th, 2013. We guess this movie's gonna be either a great success or a super flop- but we'll absolutely check it out either way! (perezhilton)
- We can't wait to hear everything about Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake's upcoming wedding. They've been together for almost five years now, and got engaged earlier this year. The wedding date is reportedly set to late summer, but Jessica admits that she still has done "almost nothing" about planning the wedding yet. "I do feel like there is a lot of time and nothing needs to be rushed", she said. "But being engaged is just absolutely amazing. You're in this romantic, ahhhhh, breathless moment that I'm just trying to extend as long as possible", she continued. Yea, Jess, just don't extend it for toooooo long! (people)
- Are you one of many that wonders why Victoria Beckham never seems to ever smile? Well, then wonder no more! Posh Spice recently revealed the reason of her sad face: "Do you know, I don't know? I actually used to smile a lot in pictures. I think I only stopped smiling when I got into fashion. Fashion stole my smile!", she says laughing. "I've created this person. And I'm not saying that's not me, but I wouldn't say that's the whole me... It's an armor that goes up.", she contined. Hey Vic, keep your chin up! We know you have thousands of reasons to smile! (celebitchy)
- Wir haben bereits mehrmals berichtet, dass Miley Cyrus eine Menge Gewicht verloren hat. Erst kürzlich postete Miley ein Bild ihres Körpers auf Twitter, und schockte ihre Fans!
- Taylor Swift sure has a thing for famous boyfriends. We all know how she's dated John Mayer, Taylor Lautner and Joe Jonas before and now she's all about the 18-year-old Conor Kennedy! "They have been dating for a bit", an insider says. "She's swept off her feet." But it's no secret that Taylor is really fascinated by the Kennedy family: "The only time in my life I have ever been star-struck was meeting Caroline and Ethel Kennedy [Conor's grandma]", Taylor said back in February. "I've read a lot about them". Hm, do you think it's real love or is she just trying to get closer to the family....?
- Fragt ihr euch auch, warum Victoria Beckham nicht mehr lächelt? Wir haben die Antwort! Posh Spice verriet kürzlich den Grund für ihr trauriges Gesicht: "Habt ihr das bemerkt, ich nicht?Ich habe früher viel auf Bildern gelächelt.
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