- What can you say, hard working Lady Gaga wants nothing but the best and is therefore planing on spending her fortune on a massivie building project in Crete, Greece. The plan is to build a house that appears to be floating in the sea. How is that going to happen?! Sourses say that "It's right on the water and appears to be floating, so anyone wanting a gander will only be able to see it if they go by boat." Smart move Gaga! Like a floating home was not enough, Gaga wants to splash out on even more property on the land she bought last year. "Besides the palace and church, the project will also include a tennis court and two pools." says the insider source.The source adds "It has ended up costing over $72m for the whole development and that's only so far. Extra costs are sure to mount up." In 2010 it was rumoured she was considering getting married on the Greek island with her boyfriend at the time, Luc Carl. Could there be a reunion on the way? (Source: Star magazine)
- Unser liebstes Twilight Mädchen, Kristen Steward, hat sich unter's Messer gelegt! Oder zumindest sagen das die Experten. "Kristen Stewart hat nun statt einem großen A Körbchen ein großes B Körbchen und das ist normalerweise das Resultat einer Brustvergrößerung." sagen zwei New Yorker Plastischer Chirurgen.
- Wir lieben verrückte Outfits und zwei, die immer wieder auf den roten Teppichen auffallen sind Bonnie Strange und Alina Süggeler.
- What an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G combo, Olivia Palermo! But on the other hand, when have we ever seen her in something other than that? We spotted her in this super trendy mid-length skirt matched with a lovely purple jacket and a relaxed gray tanktop. And the best accessory? Her boyfriend Johannes Huebl of course! Olivia, you look incredible!
- We're constantly inspired by our favorite fashionistas in the celebrity world, and this week is no exception. We spotted Vanessa Hudgens, Keira Knightley and even Katie Price (!) wearing awesome outfits, and they all looked amazing. Click on the pics for the best inspo this week!
- Wir werden immer wieder von prominenten Fashionistas inspiriert, die jede Woche ohne Ausnahme wunderbare Outfits tragen.
- We've seen several celebrities in Hollywood trying on the hombre hair trend, but even more daring is dip dying- where you color your ends with a chocking color! We've checked out Lauren Conrad, Kate Bosworth, Nicki Minaj and Vanessa Hudgens who all went for a little spicier hair. But who looked better in their dip-dye? You tell us! Vote, peeps!
- Jordana Brewster sieht in ihrem sommerlichen Blumenkleid, dem Jeanshemd und der schicken Sonnenbrille sehr süß aus.
- Wir haben schon zuvor berichtet, dass Justin Bieber derzeit einen Fotographen verklagt, weil dieser ihn vor einigen Wochen in L.A. mit dem Auto verfolgt hat. Der Biebs fuhr in aller Ruhe in seinem silbernen Sportwagen und wurden dann auf der Straße von dem verrückten Pararrazi gejagt, was ihn und das Leben anderer gefährdete.
- Wir haben das wunderbare Victoria's Secret Model Alessandra Ambrosio beim Entspannen am Strand gesehen und man konnte nicht annährend erkennen, dass sie noch irgendwelche Schwangerschaftspfunde auf den Rippen hat.
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