- So as we keep saying, Its London Fashion Week! We love it because you get to see all the freaky fun fashions in London, not just the pretty and trendy...the front row fashionistas are a bit different too. The London girls have a style all of their own, as style icon Alexa Chung keeps proving every time you see her. Here are some of the most fashionable girls we spotted while running around Fashion, you may recognise some of them...wink!
- Die Frühlingssaison steht langsam ins Haus und das bedeutet grelle Farben und mutige Statements. Und Nicole Richie hat mit ihrer Sonnenbrillen-Kollektion scheinbar die Gedanken der Designer gelesen! Wir entdeckten sie heute Morgen auf dem Weg zum Sport in Hollywood - seht euch nur diese wunderbare Sonnenbrille an, wir lieben sie!
- This Spring season is all about bright colors and bold stetements. Its like Nicole Richie was reading the minds of the designer's while she was designing her new sunglasses collection! We spotted her Nicole on her way from a workout this morning in Hollywood sporting the cutest pair of bright red sunglasses. Love!
- Einiges kommt einfach nie aus der Mode: Claudia Schiffer und Elle Macpherson sind die perfekten Beispiele dafür! Auch wenn ihre Karrieren als Supermodels schon ein Weilchen her sind, sind sie immer noch unfassbar schön und im Trend und das sogar beim morgendlichen Gang zur Schule!
- Schaut euch diese wunderschöne Mode von der Pariser Männer-Modewoche von diesem Wochenende an: Das ist der Grund, warum Marken wie Dior, Lanvin und Kenzo immer im Trend sind und unsere Stile prägen! Umwerfende Farben und viele Nude-Looks sah man auf den Laufstegen und wir bekommen Lust, diese Looks nachzumachen!
- Lately many celebrities' have been wearing an updated version of the retro "bouffant" hairdo on the red carpet. We have seen versions of it on everyone from Scarlett Johansson to Demi Moore. Here are some examples of what it can look like, its obviously very trendy right now. Question is - would you wear it?
- They are both gorgeous brunette starlets, they are the co-stars for a movie that everyone is talking about - "Black Swan" and they both have a strong signature personal style. Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman are very different in the way that they dress, but they both know exactly what suits them best! Take a look at these pictures the girls on the red carpet over the past few months, as they have promoted their movie and vote on whose style you like best!
- Taylor Momsen zeigte sich am Wochenende am Set von Gossip Girl mit ihrer üblichen Bad Girl-Attitüde mit Zigarette und Schlaberlook. In der Haut ihrer Rolle Jenny trug sie ein Outfit in einer der Farben der Saison - grau!
- Taylor Momsen walked around the set of Gossip Girl this weekend with her usual bad girl attitude smoking cigarettes and looking moody. Dressed as her character Jenny she wore an outfit in one of this this season's hottest colors - gray! It was a heavily layered effect starting with a bandage dress, fishnets and gray leather boots, covered in an oversized sweater and a plaid jacket and finished off with her usual huge sunglasses and red lips. Is this a look you would copy?Vote!
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