- Also der neue Breaking Dawn Trailer wurde just veröffentlicht und wir müssen sagen, er ist einfach fabelhaft! Es ist der beste Trailer, den wir jemals sahen und wir können nicht abwarten den Film endlich zu sehen!
- Yesterday Summit released several amazing promo photos, and today they release 16 seconds of never before seen footage! Are they trying to give the Twi-hards around the world simultaneous heart attacks?! Either way, we have "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" trailer numero dos here for you to enjoy!
- Dankt uns jetzt oder gleich, denn wir haben einen kleinen Vorgeschmack auf die Flitterwochen-Szenen von Breaking Dawn! Während der Comic-Con hat jemand den Clip heimlich abgefilmt. Die Qualität ist also nicht so toll, aber wenn ihr echt Fans seid, stört euch das ja nicht. Seht euch den Ausschnitt an und lasst und wissen, was ihr denkt! Frohen Freitag, ihr Süßen! (evilbeetgossip)
- Wir finden Twilight-Cutie Booboo Stewart einfach nur wunderbar! Hoffentlich werden wir nach dem letzten Twilight-Film noch einiges mehr von ihm sehen. Hier sind ein paar Fotos von seiner Shoppingtour!
- OMG! A teaser trailer for Breaking Dawn just released and it looks lovely. Well, the 15 seconds we get looks lovely. All you really get to see is Robert Pattinson in a tux (dreamy) and the back of Kristen Stewart's head. It still got us super excited and we can't wait for the movie to hit theaters on November 18, that's only like five months away...we can handle it!
- Ok so yesterday we talked about how The Hunger Games is being made into a movie and how we're super stoked! But even better news! We heard that Twilight author, Stephenie Meyer's book, The Host, is also being made into a movie! How cool is that? Have you guys read The Host? It's all about aliens taking over Earth, but in true Twilight style it's really hot and you just can't put it down! We heard that Saoirse Ronan will play both Melanie and Wanderer, which should be really cool! She's such a good actress and is so pretty.Anyways, this movie will be fab so if you haven't read the book yet you totally should! (Deadline)
- Have you guys read The Hunger Games yet? They're like the best books ever. We stayed up all night reading the first one and then ran out the next day to buy the second one. We seriously couldn't put the books down! If you can't get enough of The Hunger Games trilogy we heard that they're making a movie!The movie isn't due out till 2012 but we want to start getting to know the cast of The Hunger Games because we have feeling they're going to be hotter than the cast of Twilight!
- Hier haben wir die Bestätigung, dass die Gerüchte über Probleme im Twilight-Paradies absolut nicht stimmen! Erst feierte die gesamte Crew Kristen Stewarts Geburtstag in der letzten Woche und jetzt verwöhnt sie ihr "echter" und Film-Freund mit unerhört. Er kaufte ihr zum Spaß ein Motocross, aber das echte Geschenk war viel romantischer.
- Obwohl wir das heiße Hollywood-Pärchen Robert Pattinson und Kristen Stewart auf keinem roten Oscar-Teppich gesehen haben, hatten sie trotzdem sichtlich Spaß auf den Parties in Hollywood. Insbesondere bei der Pre-Oscar-Party im Chateau Marmont!
- Even though we didn't see hot Hollywood couple Twilight star Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart on any red carpets this weekend for the Oscars, they were still enjoying the parties in Hollywood! Especially the Pre-Oscar bash at the Chateau Marmont! Spies told US Magazine the two of them went totally nuts on the dancefloor Saturday night! They were dancing all night long and were even spotted kissing a few times! Good news kids ,that means these two are still definitely ON! (USMagazine)
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