Hey Stardolls !
Heute habe ich ein Umstyling von MissMichiMick für euch :)
Hallo liebe Leser
In ein paar Wochen sit Halloween, deshalb hier ein passendes Make Up Tutorial.
Hello stardoll!
Today I'll be giving you eight ways on how to get your maximum starpoints, as well as getting your 40 starcoins.
1. Change at least a tiny bit of your suite so when you save it you get a starcoin, then kind of confirms whether or not it counts.
2. Redo your medoll, which is probably one of the main ones to show that you are active, doing it more then once probably won't do anything extra though.
3. Write a blog post! Starcoins for this as well.
4. Do an extra page of your album! This always helps, if you run out of pages, why not try and uplevel the cover? Or one that might need more work.
5. Make a scenery, this is important as well, you don't get starcoins, but it will help if your aiming for your 12 starpoints a day.
6. Do anything else that is fashion related, or just is fun! Send a message to a friend, or dress up a celebrity!
7. Vote covergirl, album, scenery whatever you want! 5/5 to 1/5, either way it will still be getting you starcoins and starpoints!
8. Do anything else starcoin related, just getting you 40/40 starcoins a day might get you your starpoints, but of course stardoll don't judge it on that! Because if you get loads of friend requests, accepting ten won't get your all of the starpoints!
I hope this helped if you want to get closer to the next reward!
Hello again, heute hab ich ein Non-ss Make-up mit, weiß aber leider nicht ob's das schon mal gab. Falls doch, tut mir wirklich leid.
So sieht der (Winter) Look aus:
- Remember Louis Vuitton's Core Values campaign? If you missed it, Oo.Candice.oO has brought it back to everyone's attention, along with some wonderfully designed Louis Vuitton designs of hers! I suggest buying some, I've made purchases of my own. They're lovely.
Hello stardoll! :)
As you may know, the Riviera Sale (25% off) is now in action, and I will be giving you inspiration from making an outfit from the dresses, but of course not all from the same shop! It's nice to have an outfit with different sources.
All of these photos are credited to
Guten Tag
Heute gibt es nach kurzer Pause mal wieder ein "Wer hat es am Besten kombiniert".
Hey Stardolls !
Letztens hat mich Viktoriax9 um ein Umstyling gebeten und ich habe mich daran versucht. Das hier ist mein allererstes Umstyling und ich freu mich wie immer über hilfreiche Kritik ;)
Vorher :
Hallo. Ich hab mal wieder ein Tutorial für Euch dabei♥
Hei :),
Hier wieder eine Make-up Idee von mir. Sie ist nichts besonderes außer, dass ich euch anregen will ein bisschen mehr Farbe zu wagen!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"