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If you snooze, you lose!

vor 66 Monaten

Hello Dolls!

 I think we all have one thing in common, no matter our ages. We all love our few extra moments of sleep in the morning, right?

 I used to wake up at about 7:00, do a bit of cleaning around the house, just to make sure it's neat enough for when I'd be back, have something quick as my breakfast and get ready. I did all of this in a hurry, and I genuinely hated my mornings.

As soon as I started getting up earlier, I started loving my mornings. I have so much time now to do everything the way I want it, and I've even been able to fit in a small workout and meditation time. I finally have time to have a proper, healthy breakfast and I even have time to come on here, check up on everything, blog and edit a little.
I could have never thought that a detail so small (and meaningless to me!) would have such an impact on my day. Now I face every problem with a smile, I am calmer throughout the day, I don't need the huge amount of coffee and it's easier for me to fall asleep at a reasonable time in the evenings. 

It's the small details that matter the most, we all have the power to make the right decisions for our body, our mind.

 Now that I've shared the benefits of waking up earlier, it's something you can consider!




