März 2012
- Forget all the boring black and brown bags, because this spring it's coloursthat are in. Invest in a colorful bag and match it like Blake Lively and Alexa Chung does. Click on the pictures to get inspired!
- Nachdem in der ersten Runde der neuen Staffel von Let's dance Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen gehen musste, kommt heute die zweite Show. Habt ihr schon einen Favouriten?
- Promis sind nicht immer umgeben von Stylisten und Make-up Artists. Und das ist auch gut so?! Sie zeigen uns, dass sie nicht mal annähernd fehlerlos sind.
- Kim Kardashian was spotted outside the gym in Sherman Oaks Los Angeles. We're used to seeing Kim all dressed up, but it's nice to see that she's just like us.
- Wir haben Leighton Meester und Ed Westwick am Set von Gossip Girl in Manhattan, New York, gesehen. Leighton sieht alt aus in dem Outfit, sie ist erst 25 aber schaut aus wie 40!
Hei ihr lieben, ich hab beschlossen, dass ich erstmal weiter mit 'MAKE OVER's mache. Ich habe mir heute eine neue Doll ausgesucht & ein Style für sie ausgedacht.
Today I will be posting a complete different topic; Art On Hands. So, I held this competition a week ago on my blog and I was checking all entries, I came across an extraordinary work of art!
- We spotted Jessica Alba when she arrived at Jessica Simpson's baby shower in Los Angeles. Looks like it was a great party! We like Jessica's military green vest that she uses over her leather jacket, stylish!
Dear readers,
the weather is getting better and better and so it’s time to get a new spring wardrobe.
As always stardoll has some great new clothes- and lots of them are for starcoins.That’s why I decided to make a short post about outfits with some of the new starcoin-clothing: (of course I also used some of the old stuff)
Both Karl Lagerfeld and Martin Margiela have said that Haider Ackermann’s their ideal successor, but it sounds like the designer’s waiting for the perfect offer. In this same interview, he told the Financial Times‘ Vanessa Friedman that designing couture is his dream, which has of course sent the Dior circles of the Internet into a tizzy.
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