Januar 2012
- Adding to the long line of women, Jake Gyllenhaal unsuccesfully tried to date Minka Kelly! Sources close to Minka said that when Jake invited her to dinner last Fall she declined! But it wasn't because of Jake, it was because Minka wanted to date Derek Jeter again! Minka and Derek had recently split and she was doing everything to get back with him. Thankfully, for Minka, she and Derek are no back together, but where does leave Jake? Still single! Here's our chance! (usmagazine)
- The two former models Brooke Shields and Twiggy were spotted leaving The Wolseley restaurant together. The BFF's didn't leave the restaurant until 1 pm, so it seems it was a really late dinner! We love Brooke's style, but unfortunately we can't say the same for Twiggy.
- We spot the heavily pregnant Jennifer Garner everywhere! Playing with her kids, taking them to places, grocery shopping... It seems Jennifer never sits down and just relaxes. Isn't she due like any day now?
- 27 years after Khloe Kardashian's birth, and 8 years after Robert Kardashian's passed away, the secret is now out - Khloe isn't a Kardashian! "Khloe is not his kid -- he told me that after we got married," Jan Ashley, Robert's former wife said. Jan married Robert after he and Kris had ended their marriage. "He just kind of looked at me and said [it] like it was a matter of fact. He said, 'Well, you know that Khloe's not really a Kardashian, don't you?' And I said…'OK,' and that was it." Ellen Kardashian, the last woman to marry Robert supports what Jan has to say. "Khloe brought it up all the time," Ellen told Star. "She looked nothing like the rest. She was tall, had a different shape, light hair, curly hair. Didn't look anything like the other three children." Kris Jenner, Khloe's mother, reveals in her new book that she did cheat on Rob, but she never said anything about Khloe. Do you think that it's true - is Khloe NOT a Kardashian? (radaronline)
- Last night was the People's Choice Awards and as one of the first events of the New Year, our favorite celebs were dressed to impress. Well, some of them were... others looked completely terrible! Click on the pics to see who was best and worst dressed at this year's awards!
- Spotted! Vanessa Hudgens and her boyfriend Austin Butler spent a romantic day together at the Getty Center. It looks like they had a wonderful day!
- It seems like Katy Perry is having no trouble moving on from Russell Brand, in fact, we heard a rumor that she's dating Denver Broncos quarterback, Tim Tebow. It's not the first time that a pop star has hooked up with a football star, remember Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo? One source said that Katy has mentioned several times that she likes Tim, even her parents are on board! "Katy’s mom firmly believes the best cure for heartache is to quickly fall in love again… In her mind, Tebow is the perfect guy for her daughter." While we think Katy shouldn't jump into another relationship, we do think that they'd make a cute couple- Tim is completely different from Russell! (hollywoodlife)
- He's just nineteen years-old and about to head out on a full UK and European tour in support of HOWLER throughout January and February....Let us introduce you to Man Made (aka singer songwriter Nile Marr)
- Wir sind große Fans von Sex and the City! Wir lieben die Serie, den ersten Film, den zweiten Film, die Liebe, aber vor allem - die Mode! Wir haben unsere liebsten Looks aus den beiden Sex and the City Filmen zusamengesucht, klickt auf die Bilder und schaut euch die beste Mode aller Zeiten an!
- We spotted Asa Butterfield from "Hugo" and Chloe Grace Moretz from "Kickass" hanging out in Manhattan the other day. While Asa lives up to the style of a young boy, Chloe dresses like a real lady! Such a contrast, but both have immense talent! Watch out for these two, they're going to be big!
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"