Juli 2011

  • Elle.StardollElle.Stardoll


    Left to right, Cy Twombly's Leda and the Swan & Revlon's fall Expressionists collection. Forget obscure French new wave films or epic journeys through the Middle East—for fall, Revlon’s Global Artistic Director, Gucci Westman, was simply inspired by art.  Specifically, the expressionist exhibit on at MOMA this summer. To better explain, Westman invited a group of editors to walk through the exhibit. ”I was inspired by Abstract Expressionism when the artists, particularly the New York artists, evolved from black and white pieces and began experimenting with color,” she said, breezing past Franz Kline’s classics, Arman’s I Still Use Brushes, and her favorite Twomblys like Leda and the Swan.  “I came to MOMA to be inspired every day for a week,” she said.  “I took in different pieces, moods, at different times of day. I loved the artists’ use of color, textures and compositions.” As a result, you won’t find your basic fall browns.  Instead, Westman blends gossamer hues in sheer, glittering textures into those deep, traditional autumn colors.   Westman pointed out that her use of sparkles in varying sizes and textures was directly influenced by the artists. For example, Westman combined four beautiful glosses and a lipstick, including a deep wine shade into a limited edition palette called “Bordeaux in the Snow,” a shout-out to Revlon’s iconic “Cherries in the Snow” lipstick. Contrastingly, the collection includes a ‘60s-inspired super-light creamy pink and beige hybrid that we swear must be the exact shade Lisa Houseman was shouting for in Dirty Dancing: “Where is my beige. Iridescent. Lipstick.” Four nail polishes round out the collection: three uber-sparkly sheers in light pink, bright blue and fuchsia tempered by one neutral warm greige shade that’s “inspired by Cy Twombly’s creamy shades,” Westman said. “How he sees people, it’s such an innocence.” Expressionists By Gucci Westman for Revlon will hit stores in October.
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Prince William and Kate Middleton attended the BAFTA Brits To Watch Gala yesterday, held at the Belasco Theatre in Los Angeles. They looked stunning and showed all the Hollywood celebrities how to work the red carpet with class! Kate wore a lilac Alexander McQueen gown and Will wore a classic black tux. We love to see the royal couple in new environment among big stars like Jennifer Garner and Tom Hanks! What did you guys think of Will and Kate’s BAFTA arrival?
  • ElleGirlElleGirl


    Photo: Retna

    There’s no greater feeling than discovering a great beauty product—especially when you can pick one up at your local CVS or Duane Reade right around the corner! And you’re not alone: celebs equally enjoy a pain-free beauty fix at an awesomely low price. Kim Kardashian was the latest celeb to fess up that her secret drugstore beauty tool: Olay’s cleansing wipes, which she calls her “saving grace.” We’ll show you her secret beauty weapon and more after the jump. These classic finds are quick, cheap, and effective—what more could you ask for?
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll



    When beautiful celebs get kids we of course expect them to be just as beautiful and successful as their parents. And in some strange way that is also what happens! How cute isn’t Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes daughter Suri? And we think that Kingston Rossdale is so cool, just like his mom Gwen Stefani! We can’t wait until they grow up and to se what will happen to them! Maybe some of them will get together or be big movie stars? That would be so fun!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Then we got just the thing for you! At U2's concert in Nashville, USA on the 2th of June, one hopeful fan held up a sign saying "Blind Guitar Player. Bring Me Up." Lead singer Bono, being the kind-hearted person he is, obviously couldn't refuse the fan's request. He brought the fan up on stage at the end of the show - and what followed next can be seen in the video below!

    It's enough to melt even the coldest of hearts!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    AMuse Me!

    vor 166 Monaten 273 Kommentar(e)

    Every designer needs a muse on his or her side! Someone that inspires them and someone that can be a walking mannequin. Karl Lagerfeld, who is the designer and creative director for the fashion house Chanel, loves to have a beautiful girl on his side. And who wouldn’t want to be friends with such an influential person! Over the years we have seen Karl with different actresses like Blake Lively and models like Karolina Kurkova, and we assume that these gorgeous women are his muses for the moment. Lucky Karl!
  • aylin24aylin24


    Hi liebe Leser heute ist es wieder so weit , ich habe das beste Outfit der Woche gefunden ! . Ich hoffe ihr findet das Outfit schön ,ich würde sehr gerne eure Meinung hören .Und hier ist sie..

  • MandaMichalkaMandaMichalka


    Hey Leute,

    Heute habe ich für euch 4 Hello Kitty Designs im Gepäck... 


  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Rihanna’s friday night concert in Dallas did not end like the singer had hoped for. During her performance, a fire broke out on the stage and Rihanna was of course forced to end her show. She quickly left the stage! Fortunately the fire was controllable and the fire department was able to put it out. We know that Rihanna’s concerts usually are really hot, but not literally!

    What source that started the fire is not yet determined, but some think it started from the concert’s pyrotechnics that was meant to end the whole show. Well…this was another memorable ending! We’re just relieved that no one got hurt!
  • _Krissi_Krissi


    Das von der Modeschöpferin Jeanne Lanvin gegründete Label Lanvin hat diesmal seine Premiere auf stardoll.

    Zurzeit ist Alber Elbaz Chefdesigner des Modeunternehmens.



