Januar 2011
- Geht es euch genauso und ihr könnt einfach nicht genug von der bezaubernden Familie Alba bekommen? Wir entdeckten das Trio gestern beim Einkaufen in Beverly Hills und sie ergänzten sich einfach so wunderbar! Cash ist der sportliche Papa, Jessica die schicke Mama und Töchterchen Honor Marie ist schon jetzt total funky!
- You didn't think we would give you just the news from the Golden Globes last night and not the red carpet did you?! Here are all the best looks from the awards show.
- Glückwunsch an "The Social Network! Der Film sahnte gestern 4 Auszeichnungen bei den Golden Globes ab: Bester Film, Beste Regie, Bestes Drehbuch und Beste Musik! Wow!
- Man vergisst schnell, dass es sich nicht um ein Kardashian Trio, sondern eigentlich ein Quartett handelt. Die Schwestern Kim, Kourtney und Khloe haben einen jüngeren Bruder namens Robert Kardashian Jr. und wir entdeckten ihn am Wochenende in Santa Monica!
- Are you like us and just can't seem to get enough of the adorable Alba family? We spotted the trio doing some grocery shopping while out and about in Beverly Hills yesterday and we couldn't help but notice how well they actually compliment each other! Cash is the sporty one, Jessica is the chic one and their daughter Honor Marie is the funky one!
- Wow talk about a shopping spree! We spotted Rachel Bilson at "Bed Bath & Beyond" yesterday in Los Angeles and she practically bought out everything in the store! She bought an oven broiler and a coffee maker and who knows what else?! Looks like someone is playing house!
- Heroes star Hayden Panettiere wore this green ruffled Elizabeth and James mini skirt a while back, adding some edge with a leather jacket and booties. Taraji P. Henson wore the same little dress on New Year's Eve, sexing it up with gold sandals and matching clutch. Who do you think wore it best?
- Lately many celebrities' have been wearing an updated version of the retro "bouffant" hairdo on the red carpet. We have seen versions of it on everyone from Scarlett Johansson to Demi Moore. Here are some examples of what it can look like, its obviously very trendy right now. Question is - would you wear it?
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- Justin Bieber jagte allen nach den Dreharbeiten für einen Gastauftritt bei CSI: Crime einen riesigen Schrecken ein: Justin hatte während des Drehs Atemprobleme und musste ins Providence St. Joseph's Krankenhaus in Burbank gebracht werden.
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