Stardoll Pride Hub

Stardoll Pride Hub

Stardoll Pride 2018 is here!

This is your PRIDE HUB for all-things-fabulous here on Stardoll!

Read below to learn more about the contests, Pride shop-portunities, Party Chats and StarBlog posts -- and check back EVERY DAY for the links to the new things happening! 

ALL WEEK LONG - Stardoll Pride 2018!
- Stop by a Pride Party Chat!

MONDAY - Stardoll Pride Kickoff
- Take the Pride Quiz to win an adorable Pride wig!
- Be sure to check out the Evil Panda shop for some serious Rainbow inspiration! 

TUESDAY - Pride Around the World
- Check out the Diary Contest where we ask you what Pride is like where you are! 
- Travel Tuesday Photo Contest takes us to a fabulous Prideful place. 

WEDNESDAY - Snapshots of Pride
- Stop by the Pride Pop Shop for Pride festivity essentials!
- Stardoll Pride Photo Contest: Get dolled up in your snazziest Pride outfit, decorate your Suite for a Pride Party and submit your photo! (Link available on Wednesday)

THURSDAY - What does Pride Mean to You?
- Check out our Diary Contest to let us know exactly what Pride means to you. (Link available on Thursday)

FRIDAY - Celebrate with Celebrities!
- We have 2 celebrity contests this week featuring Ruby Rose and Ru Paul! Check back on Friday to find out who! (Links available on Friday)

WEEKEND - Stardoll Pride
- Weekend Word Search: Pride Edition 
- Stop by a Pride Party Chat!

What is Pride?
Pride is a celebration of the LGBTQIA community.

What is the LGBTQIA community?
Well, each letter stands for one (or sometimes two) groups within the one community we are celebrating. They are: Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer (and/or Questioning), Intersex, and Asexual (and/or Allied). All together, these groups celebrate and are celebrated during Pride.

What's with all the rainbows?
You often see rainbow flags at Pride events. Each group within the community has an individual flag as well. 

Why are we celebrating it here on Stardoll?
Because equal rights for everyone is important.
Because it is fun and fashionable! 
Many designers we have featured or been inspired by identify as LGBTQIA.
Many dolls here on Stardoll identify as LGBTQIA, or have friends and family who do.
Not everywhere in the world is a safe place to be LGBTQIA. Stardoll is and we want to celebrate that! Hate speech of any kind is not tolerated.

I don't identify as LGBTQIA. Can I still participate?
Absolutely! The more, the merrier!

I don't want to participate in Stardoll Pride.
That is totally fine!