User content
- Snerfy
- You only have one life - live it!
- Snerfy
- Moosycakes
I like the fact that this store has a lot of Starcoin items!
- Moosycakes
- VampireLady33
I had a few questions for this talented wig designer...
- VampireLady33
- 99562264 DEL
We all dread the first day of school or a new job... right?
- 99562264 DEL
- midnightmonkey6
All about this trend!
- midnightmonkey6
- Moosycakes
Join the tag to get into the Olympics!
- Moosycakes
- Vintage_Freek
Are you thoughtful with who you choose to spend your time with?
- Vintage_Freek
- Moosycakes
Make your bedroom your special place.
- Moosycakes
- Snerfy
You are beautiful, no matter what.
- Snerfy
- 99562264 DEL
- It's always nice to have a friend to keep you company, and to steer you away from boredom. It's easier to make friends on Stardoll than in real life, so I thought that I'd tell you the pros and cons of making friends on Stardoll.
- 99562264 DEL