- gp121
Suite tips, tricks and decorating ideas.
- gp121
- Moosycakes
MSW is fun for all of us!
- Moosycakes
- Callie.Stardoll
If things are looking different for you, here's what's going on.
- Callie.Stardoll
- Waddles
I love to create rooms that represent my mood and how I'm feeling.
- Waddles
- Callie.Stardoll
- Hi guys! You've probably noticed you can layer your doll in your suites by now, right?
- Callie.Stardoll
- Glam.Diamond
Just the other day something amazing caught my eye and I decided to share it with you. This talented lady AC-Viper had created a room unter water in her Beach Villa! Take a look and you'll know what I mean.
- Glam.Diamond
- vikkiVICIOUS
- Hello, unfortunately this will be one of my last posts for the StarBlog and I've decided to go out with the topic i started with "Sweet Suite Ideas". I've loved writing for you all and I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts but now is the time for new starbloggers to shine, maybe one day I'll be back but for now it's goodbye!
- vikkiVICIOUS
- sparklewand12
Recently I've become much more interested in Stardoll interior design, and I wanted to show you this wonderful room design by Miver:
- sparklewand12
- vikkiVICIOUS
- Today I will be talking about the festival of Halloween, it is my favorite time of the year and as soon as it ends, i look forward to next years! Halloween has many origins and meanings, it is celebrated on the 31st of October. In America, the UK and most parts of the Western world it is simply a time where people dress up as monsters and ghouls, have parties and go trick or treating, but it’s roots are deeper than that.
- vikkiVICIOUS
- RainCute-_-girl
مرحبا عضوات ستاردول
اليوم كنت ازور صديقة لي واعجبني ذوقها الراقي في الازياء
فأحبيت ان أريكم ذوقها الجميل المبدع
لاختيارات :1- aynana
2- lovelylove8
3- loveiymyha
- RainCute-_-girl