- Rody_love
إنها فتاة مصريه أنيقه ومبدعه وذات أخلاق عاليه
اسمك ومستواك الدراسي؟
اسمي يارا وأنا خريجه كلية الحقوق جامعه القاهرة وحاليا اقيم في السعوديه
اخبرينا عن هواياتك ؟
هوايتي الرسم والتصوير الفوتوغرافي
وماذا عن ستاردول؟
انا احب ستاردول وقد حصلت على فتاة الغلاف 3 مرات
والحقيقه ان عيب ستاردول هو انهم لايهتمون بالمواهب الحقيقيه
- Rody_love
- khawla06777
بدأت المقابله مع الصديقه
عبري عن شخصيتك؟
مزاجيه..عصبيه شوي ..بحب المشاكسه ومتفائلة احيانا..ملقوفه بشكل رهيب
تعرفي عليها أكثر من خلال هذا الموضوع الممتع
- khawla06777
- Amber.Stardoll
- Wow man, this was kind of... unexpected! Gossip Girl hottie Ed Westwick has a BIG passion in his life: He's obsessed with planting flowers! The 25-year old actor has recently revealed that he loves the nature more than anything: “I just love planting flowers during the summer. There’s something very humble about it, and natural and beautiful. We’re a more beautiful species in the summer – everyone comes out looking gorgeous and girls put on nice dresses.”Who could have imagined this? Aw! Just imagine Ed (or Chuck?!) spending his summers sowing seeds in the ground...? That just makes him even more cute!
- Amber.Stardoll
- BuddyLeen
اهلا ياصديقاتي هناك فأر كبير اليوم رأيتة في غرفتي
ولكنه ذهب الى غرفه اخرى ارجوكم ساعدوني
ًوان وجدتموه ستحصل اول من وجدة على هديه قيمه جداً جدا
- BuddyLeen
- Amber.Stardoll
- This is fashion eye candy! Diane Kruger is profesional and she's adept at crafting the perfect ensemble, there are few people who can pull off a look the way she can. She takes risks, she dares to invest in hard-worn trends and she always stuns! She rukes the red carpet and we can't get enough of her spectacularly beautiful gowns. Click on the pictures to check out some favourites!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- We always praise Lauren Conrad for her impeccable style and this time is no exception! The leopard blouse is perfectly styled with a pair of black causal jeans. Check out the pictures and find out how you can get the celeb look!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- We spotted Heidi Klum and her family at The Grove yesterday. Aw, we LOVE this family! They're so adorable together. We love how she's really showing her feelings for her former bodyguard and current boyfriend Martin Kristen in public too, and we really hope they'll last! Click on the pics to see what we're talking about!
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- Nicki Minaj hosted her album release party on Tuesday at a nightclub in NYC. She was supposed to make a big performance during the night with Flo Rida, but she turned up waaaay too late so she didn't even get in! "Nicki turned up to the club with about 25 people at 3:30 in the morning", an eyewitness tells. "She was denied entry at the door by the police because they said the venue was at capacity and there was nothing they could do to accommodate her". Ouch! Nicki wasn't very happy about it and left with her gang. Maybe you've learnt a lesson now?
- Amber.Stardoll
- Amber.Stardoll
- We spotted Rachel Zoe out and about with her son Skyler in West Hollywood yesterday! Ahh, we really have never seen Rachel wearing anything but stylish clothes! But yeah, as a fashion stylist we guess that's what life is like... We want your clothes, Rach! Click on the pics for awesome fashion inspo!
- Amber.Stardoll
- miss-nansy
- اقدم لكم بعض النصائح لتخلص من الامراض وطرق الوقاية من العدوي من الاصدقاء في الصف
اولاً- عند العودة من المدرسة اغسل يدك بعناية بالماء و الصابون
ثانياً- اكثري من الخضروات الطازجة
ثالثاً- اشربي الماء أثناء لعب الرياضة او الجري
وشكراً اتمني أن تكون نصائحي مفيدة ياصديقتي العزيزة
- miss-nansy
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
- FairHappy_noor أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"
- Sadaro7o أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "
- amal.amam40 أهم المشاركات المر…: "جد الفرق بين الصورتين"
- Arificent26 أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"
- stararig أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"
- Salma! أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"