- lilrosamae
It took just 18 minutes for the first item within the collection to sell out, it would seem that everybody loves this store!
- lilrosamae
- BeatrixJane
It's time we stop letting others dictate our beauty standards, and our choices. It's my body, can't I make the choices?
- BeatrixJane
- Stardoll Admin
5 points: Her favourite dessert is vanilla frozen yogurt with cinnamon and almonds...
Click HERE to get more clues:
Image: posh24
- Stardoll Admin
- lilrosamae
As the majority of stardoll is younger girls who are interested in fashion and beauty, I feel it would be a good idea to write about the basics of wearing makeup, and what I would have liked to know when I first started out wearing it.
- lilrosamae
- Stardoll Admin
The lovely babyfacejoo has been a valued Stardoll member since 2011. She has been a regular National Covergirl for Israel...
- Stardoll Admin
- BeatrixJane
When someone asks me what my favorite movie (or book) genre is - my almost immediate response is an excitedly shouted "Horror!"
- BeatrixJane
- lilrosamae
The Black and White stripes street style trend is nothing new, it's quite a classic pattern that has been around for some time. But this spring the humble, parallel lines are what fashion is all about!
- lilrosamae