- lolalola99
مرحبا بكم
اليوم اخترت التحدث عن الالوان الخاصة بفصل الشتاء. فلكل فصل الوانه التي تميزه
فصل الشتاء
فصل يتميز بالوان ساحرة تشعر بالراحة و الدفئ ومن بين هذه الالوان اخترت لكم لونين هما : الاسود و الرمادي
- lolalola99
- lolyloNice
مرحبا عضوات ستاردول
كما تعلمون فأنا أعشق الأزياء و الموضة و اليوم فكرت بعرض بعضاً من أزيائي
و اتمنى ان تنال اعجابكم
- lolyloNice
- sparklewand12
My top pair from the plaza are from Killah, but several other stores(Including Miss Sixty) have some good pairs too =)
- sparklewand12
- Glam.Diamond
This is something new. Not usually what I bring to my posts but this doll is simply outstanding kissesashley. Her medoll is as white as snow! Check it out!
- Glam.Diamond
- Glam.Diamond
Just the other day something amazing caught my eye and I decided to share it with you. This talented lady AC-Viper had created a room unter water in her Beach Villa! Take a look and you'll know what I mean.
- Glam.Diamond
- joli123.s
مـــرحبــا يَ بنــات ... اخباركم؟
احببت ان اطرح لكـــــم تجربتــي مع التسريحــات الجــديدة التي نــزلت مؤخـرا
لقــد اشتريـــت تسريحــتان فقط لكــن سأشتــري بعــد
هذه تجربــتي مع التسريحــات
- joli123.s
- Glam.Diamond
Hi Stardoll readers,
Valentine's Day is only but a few weeks away. Now, most of us will simply go to a Store, get a card and that's it. But, there's more to it than just a simple card. Most teenagers and even adults like Home made/ Hand made items done by the ones they love and I'm here sharing with you a few ideas of what to do.
- Glam.Diamond
- Daniella
Hey dollies! Sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks. I've been really busy with school & dance. But don't worry! I'll try to post much more now. :) As promised, I am back with another organizing tip! This time, I'll help you organize all of your medoll's makeup, hair dye, and mostly anything beauty-related!
Here is how my beauty parlor is organized:
- Daniella
- noortycool
هل فكرتي يوما ان تكوني طيبة حنونة خلوقة و محبة للخير؟
هل فكرتي يوما ان تغيري من طبعك وتتركي السب و الكلمات النابية؟
- noortycool