- Real.StarGirl
Imitation & Inspiration
Imitation & Inspiration are two similar words with very different meanings. Imitating is when you use someone to model something you do and inspiration is when you get ideas from something someone has done. I think we should all be inspired by things, not imitating things.
When you're imitating someone, you're technically copying them. You might be doing it kindly, but it still might get on people's nerves.
When you're getting inspiration from someone, it's more like they've given you ideas. Which, they might even like as they're sort of helping you!
We all imitate and we all get inspiration. Like when we first go to school and learn, we're imitating because we're learning from something. But when we get ideas for something to do a task on, we're getting inspiration.
So, what do you prefer doing, imitating or inspiring?
Hope you liked this post! :)
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